Process of Outbound Call Center Philippines
Outbound Call Center Philippines
Is consists of making multiple calls, by trained sales agents, from a call center with Internet access.
The purpose of these call centers is to promote your company’s sales, satisfy current customers and motivate new consumers. Thus improving customer service and, with it, business sales.
This service provides very beneficial advantages for companies. In addition, with advances in technology, telecommunications services have increased their quality in services.
Basic Strategies for Your Sales Call Center
The most crucial moment for your outbound call is the first call. Even if it is a customer from your list of potential customers, the way to approach the first call is crucial.It is not only important for cold calls, but also, for example, for survey calls. Here are some basic strategies for your sales outbound call center agents:
· Get customer attention
The beginning of the conversation is the most important. If you do not call the customer’s attention as soon as you start the conversation, the first thing you will think about is hanging up the call.
In addition, you should call your client by name, show him that you really have an interest in him, in his situation and in his company. As well as helping you achieve your goals. Do not make the mistake of focusing the whole conversation on your own company.
· Make him feel valuable
Make the caller feel that you are calling him for a very important reason. Mention things you know about your company that are relevant to meet your sales goals.
· Adapt to the time the client has
Time is worth gold, as they say. Show your client that you really value his time, giving him the option to call him at another time if you see that he is busy at that time. Ask him, just start the conversation, if he has time for you.
· Don’t make false promises
The initial conversation is considered successful if you manage to stimulate the enthusiasm of your client. However, afterwards we usually relax and often do not think exactly what we are saying. Do not compromise with your client before understanding the situation clearly. Do not continue with the actions if you are not sure what you are going to say. It is preferable that you tell him that later you call him, in order to respond to everything better.
- Set up a follow-up meeting
Once the client has already shown total interest, schedule a new call to make the hiring, when the conversation is still hot. This will give an image of professionalism at the right time and will make the sale less likely to be lost.
All this, together with quality resources, it will increase your sales.
Process of Outbound Call Center
Whenever you make outgoing calls, especially cold calls, scripts require careful planning, and step by step to help agents overcome calls professionally and personally.
Most scripts do not provide enough attention in the flow for agents to easily channel from the “introduction” to “publication shutdown” phases.
In general, the agent is expected to “think differently,” but in reality, that is not always possible when the agent has no experience and / or is under-trained.
An inefficient delivery will be negatively reflected in your company, which will ultimately cause a decrease in sales and customer retention.
These guidelines provide a roadmap for agents, giving them options for when the potential client directs the conversation in a new direction.
12 Steps in Telemarketing Calls
- Introduction
The first four steps in this process are designed to help overcome the resistance of the perspective before it occurs.
The “introduction” answers the immediate question of the potential client, “Who are you?”
The next steps tell the prospect why you are calling and help you get your confirmation to continue talking.
Agents should start by saying, “Good [days / evenings], you are speaking with [full name], and I call on behalf of [company name], which provides [products or services] to people in [potential client area] “.
Agents should not stop in their delivery until they see the strategic pause symbol: “…>”.
This pause keeps the prospect’s mind engaged. Agents should always use voice inflection when they view italics.
- Reference
If the recipient of the call has been a customer before, it is important to quote that history. Otherwise, the agent should immediately say something like: “My company requested …> to contact me personally.”
- Acknowledgment
Agents should always be grateful for the time to accept and listen to them. Example: “I appreciate you taking my call.”
Note: When a potential customer responds flatly, “I am not interested”, before explaining the purpose of the call (Step 4), it would be appropriate to say: “I respect it. I would like to give you more details about our new home care division.” He would like?
- Purpose of the call
When it comes to making outgoing calls, I teach the agents what I call the “10-10-80 rule”.
Outgoing agents always find some people, at least 10%, who will say “no” to everything, even if you are giving away your product.
On the other hand, agents will meet another 10% who will say “yes.” These potential customers are in the market for your product or service at the time of your agent’s call or have difficulty saying “no.”
This kind of perspective is what I call the “untrustworthy yes,” which they eventually end up canceling.
The remaining 80% of the prospects require the agent to make a skillful presentation of the product or service.
These higher production agents are selling or promoting the same product or service, and have received the same level of training.
But what distinguishes them from the agents that produce less and those that do not produce it, is how they deliver their message.
When it comes to establishing the purpose of the call, it is likely that a trained agent will begin with: “We have been providing services to the community for over 50 years. We have an exciting new home division and we would like to give you more details. To achieve this, I need to ask you a couple of quick questions, if you don’t mind.”
- Probe
Questions are being raised by agents in the probing step to qualify potential client, create the need for their offer and establish their wishes.
Most prospects possess what I call “pre-purchase / service insecurity,” which is the fear of making a decision immediately – online – and then regretting it. Steps 5 through 9 of the call script help eliminate this fear.
Whether the agent sells a product or service, or attempts to establish a potential client or an appointment for a field representative, the potential client must trust that this objective is worth his time and investment.
- Confirmation
If the potential client responds positively and receives information, it would be appropriate for the agent to thank potential clients for the exchange.
“Thank you for sharing this information”: This statement should be stated by an agent. I want to be sure that I have it right. [Repeat the potential client’s responses.] Is it correct?”
This step offers clarification and reinforces the needs of the potential client.
- Benefits and features
Once the agent can qualify the needs of the potential client, establish their wishes and create the need for the company’s offer, the remaining steps are easy.
In this step, an agent could say: “According to what you just shared with me, [name of candidate], I recommend that you evaluate the benefits of updating some of your current insurance policies with our personalized life and medical service”.
This is the time where the agent should state the benefits, products and services to let the potential clients have the feeling of excitement to know more about what they are offering.
- Get a reaction
This step is to confirm that you have met the needs of the leaflet in Step 7.
In this step, the agent should know the reaction of the potential clients. Agents may tell the potential clients to rate the information shared from 1 to 5 – 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest score.
- Test closure
If the answer in Step 8 is positive, an agent should try to close. In this case, the agent is looking for a face-to-face appointment at the home of the potential client.
The agents could invite a potential client to evaluate their products or services offered. It may be helpful to let the clients know that the products or services offered may help clients improve their health and that of their family in an affordable way.
If, on the other hand, the potential customer is not sure, the agent could use a more challenging “test closure” in Step 9: “Evaluating [our product] will at least give you an idea of who we are as an industry leader and how can we help you in an affordable way to improve the health of your family group. Does this sound possible to you? ”
- Objections
If there are any objections, the agent will have to overcome them in this step. The key to overcoming objections is to interpret them carefully, isolate and overcome them.
It helps anticipate the most common objections and provides agents with the information to address them.
Often, if the agent has not executed every step up to this point, they will encounter resistance and the result will be unsuccessful.
- Closing an appointment
Prospect is interested, the agent should thank you for the time and consideration, and establish a convenient time. This step is simply to ensure the commitment of the potential client. At this point, if the time to meet or send a sales representative.
The agent should use an appointment closure such as: “I have [day and time] or [day and time] open …>what time is best for you?”
- Closing the publication
Finally, in Step 12, the agent closes to adjust the level of commitment of the potential client and obtain the necessary relevant information before disconnecting the call.
If the potential customer only wants additional information about the product or service sent, the agent can simply reply: “I would love it. Once you have had the opportunity to review our information, we would like to get your opinion. Is this possible?”
If the prospect is satisfied with the transaction, the agent can close by saying: “Thank you for your time and consideration; have a happy day / afternoon.”
Writing scripts in telemarketing is an art and needs careful attention given to the address, verbiage and style of the presenter.
If your scripts are written for incoming or outgoing calls; if your agents handle customer service, technical support or sales calls; or if they make cold calls, these 12 steps should improve the delivery style of the agents and give them greater control of the call.